Evaluation of mix designs and test procedures for pervious concrete.
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Abstract:Pervious concrete is mixture of cement, aggregate, and water that provide a level of porosity which allows
water to percolate into the sub-grade. It differs from the conventional concrete since it usually contains a
smaller amount of fine aggregate. There is typically single size aggregate in pervious concrete which results in
larger air void than conventional concrete. The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) constructed
pavements in selected street alleys using pervious concrete on a pilot basis. DDOT does not currently have its
own specifications for pervious concrete. As a result, this research was aimed at developing and testing five
design mixes of pervious concrete to identify the appropriate mix which would provide the maximum
compressive strength with an acceptable permeability rate and flexural strength. The tests were conducted
on the five design mixes using three different types of compaction methods (self-consolidating, half-rodding
and Standard Proctor Hammer). Based on the results, a design mix with a compressive strength of 3,500
pounds per square inch (psi) with a maximum coefficient of permeability of 57.82 inches per hour (in/hr) was
selected. The maximum modulus of rupture of the selected mix was determined to be 565 psi. The in-situ
infiltration tests conducted on at 3 locations in DC with the optimal pervious concrete mix yielded average
infiltration rates between 86.1 and 208.7 in/hr. This falls within the typical infiltration rate of pervious
concrete (i.e., 100 to 200 in/hr, on average).
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