Development of NTCIP-based portable traffic signal evaluation system.
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Abstract:The objective of this project was to develop a custom toolbox for monitoring and troubleshooting operational
issues and faults at signalized intersections and diamond interchanges, and for providing a mechanism to
facilitate signal timing optimization using third-party optimization programs. This report describes work
conducted by Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) researchers to achieve the above objectives, which
resulted in three software modules: (1) a monitoring module that uses National Transportation
Communications for ITS Protocols (NTCIP) messages to monitor and record real-time statuses of events in a
traffic controller and logs collected and processed data for later use, (2) an analysis module that generates
various easy-to-interpret reports to allow assessment of controller event data, and (3) an update module that
reads optimized signal timing from a selected universal traffic data format (UTDF file) and uses NTCIP
messages to download these timing data to a controller. The report also describes in-lab and field testing that
researchers conducted to verify the operations of these modules.
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