Implementation of slag stabilized blended calcium sulfate (BCS) in a pavement structure : tech summary.
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Abstract:This research was the fi eld implementation follow-up to laboratory research conducted at LTRC. It also met a need of District 61 staff by
allowing an alternative to the removal and replacement of the old, non-standard BCS found on site.
The researchers used the previous research to draft, fi nalize, approve, and implement specifi cations to allow for the stabilization of BCS
with GGBFS on the shoulders of US 61 just south of LA 22 in Sorrento, LA. Two specifi cations were used to change-order this project.
The fi rst addressed the inplace stabilization of BCS with slag. The second specifi cation addressed a market-driven implementation of
the research, specifi cally, the applicability of Honeywell’s “fi nes” material treated with slag in a pugmill for use as base material. The
researchers worked with Honeywell, District 61 staff , and the contractor to design a plan for the test sections. The partnership with
Honeywell and its contractor, Brown Industries, and their investment (fi nancial and reputation) toward the project benefi ted the research.
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