Full closure strategic analysis.
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Abstract:The full closure strategic analysis was conducted to create a decision process whereby full roadway
closures for construction and maintenance activities can be evaluated and approved or denied by CDOT
Traffic personnel. The study reviewed current full closure practices in Colorado and throughout the
country, gathered stakeholder input, and employed an iterative development process to reach a systematic
decision tool that can be applied to judging the merits of full closure scenarios. A number of case studies
were created to more fully understand the methodology and adjust the tool to best match real-world
scenarios. Project deliverables include a technical report and a series of electronic forms that can be used
by CDOT to work through the process.
Currently, CDOT Staff considers full closure opportunities on a case-by-case basis, applying engineering
judgment and various factors to weigh the decision. This analysis provides a uniform decision process that
CDOT Staff can use to efficiently and effectively evaluate and approve full closures. Use of the decision
tool is anticipated to broaden the consideration and use of full closures for highway work and ensure that
they are successfully implemented.
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