Utilizing automatic identification tracking systems to compile operational field and structure data.
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Abstract:The Maryland State Highway Administration’s (SHA) Office of Materials Technology (OMT) ensures that the quality of
materials used on Maryland’s roadway system are properly designed, produced, and built to the approved codes and
standards. The Materials Quality divisions of OMT are structured into the Asphalt Technology, Concrete Technology,
Soils and Aggregate Technology, and Structural Materials and Pavement Markings divisions. Each division is responsible
for the quality assurance/control testing, evaluation, and clearance of the materials used in transportation facility
construction. From the time the materials are sampled in the field, the management of these materials relies on a
series of intensive human processes involving sample collection and delivery, written reports and log books to record
materials’ laboratory test results and track logistical information. As the materials travel throughout the six different
laboratories, material information is manually recorded into a localized network database and the Material
Management System (MMS) separately. The current amount of human involvement necessary in the generation of
sample reports and manual data entry process can be streamlined with the integration of Automatic Identification
Technology (AIT). This study investigates past implementations of AIT into civil engineering and construction
applications to detail necessary modifications to OMT’s existing material clearance and MMS processes; as well as AIT
system hardware recommendations, software development and integration considerations, estimated investment
costs, and estimated return on investment.
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