Diffusion vs. concentration of chloride ions in concrete : [summary].
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Abstract:The Florida Department of Transportation
(FDOT) maintains hundreds of bridges, and also
builds new ones, in marine environments. These
structures are built with reinforced steel, and
over time, chloride ions from sea salt can migrate
through concrete to attack reinforcing steel.
FDOT has adopted
concrete formulas
and structure
designs intended to
delay this process
and give marine
bridges a 75-year
service life.
In this project,
Florida Atlantic
reinforced concrete
specimens exposed for up to two years to various
seawater and salt conditions. They simulated
exposure of bridge components to continual
immersion as if underwater, cyclic immersion as in
the tidal zone, and lesser exposure of the splash
zone. They also investigated the effects of salt
spray on reinforced concrete not directly exposed
to seawater and thus not saturated; in that case,
high humidity or rain may provide the moisture
that gives the ions mobility. Samples exposed for
over 18 years were also part of this investigation.
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