Operational analysis of shared lane markings and green bike lanes on roadways with speeds greater than 35 mph : [summary].
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Abstract:In this project, University of North Florida
researchers analyzed how shared lane markings
(sharrows), wide curb lanes, standard and
buffered bike lanes, and green bike lanes affected
operations of bicycle facilities. Three measures
of effectiveness were used in this study: lateral
separation between the motor vehicle and
bicyclist; the distance of bicyclist to the curb
or edge of pavement; and the yielding behavior
of drivers and cyclists at merge points. Vehicle
speeds before, during, and after passing bicyclists
were analyzed. This project built upon a previous
study for the Florida Department of Transportation
(FDOT), Operational and Safety Impacts of
Restriping Inside Lanes of Urban Multi-lane Curbed
Roadways to 11 Feet or Less to Create Wider
Outside Curb Lanes for Bicyclists (FDOT research
project BDK82-977-01).
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