Developing inexpensive crash countermeasures for Louisiana local roads : [technical summary].
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Abstract:Local road crash countermeasures are an important part of the overall eff orts to reduce crashes and their severity in
Louisiana. The eff orts to develop a local road safety program are hampered by the lack of an appropriate risk assessment
and low cost countermeasures that enable local agencies to reduce crash frequencies with limited budgets. This project
deals with both issues. First, statistical models were developed to assess the risk of local road segments with respect to
crash frequencies. Secondly, low cost countermeasures were researched and recommended for individual road segments
based on current geometric features, crash frequency, and type of crashes. Thirdly, a score was developed for each road
segment that incorporates the risk, benefi ts of improvements, and cost, which allows ranking of road projects. Fourthly,
guidelines for a local road safety improvement program are provided to allow local agencies to develop procedures for a
systematic system-wide road improvement methodology.
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