Alternative Title:Accelerated determination of ASR susceptibility during;concrete prism testing through nonlinear resonance acoustic spectroscopy;acoustic spectroscopy;
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Abstract:"Accurate, reliable, and timely laboratory assessment of concrete mixtures—aggregates combined with
cementitious materials—is a critical component in ensuring the durability of concrete infrastructure from the
adverse effects of the alkali-silica reaction (ASR). Currently, the “Concrete Prism Test” (ASTM C1293) is the
most reliable standard test method for assessing the suitability of materials and materials combinations for
resistance to damage by ASR. However, the main drawback of this method is the 1- to 2-year duration required
for the test. This research study evaluates a new nonlinear acoustic technique for characterization of ASR damage
in standard concrete prism specimens. Nonlinear impact resonance acoustic spectroscopy offers a fast and
reliable measurement of the material nonlinearity. Microstructural changes that occur as a result of ASR cause an
increase in the measured nonlinearity, which can be used as a measure of the amount of ASR-induced damage.
This study evaluates 10 concrete mix designs with varying ASR reactivity. Both standard expansion tests and
nonlinearity measurements are performed on the specimens. This report presents the results of those tests to
illustrate the utility of the new method as a complementary technique for damage assessment of laboratory
concrete prisms specimens."
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