Measuring the effectiveness of ramp metering strategies on I-12 : [tech summary].
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Abstract:In recent years, more emphasis has been placed on Active Traffi c Management (ATM) strategies such as speed harmonization, managed lanes, and
ramp metering. Ramp metering is one of the successful active traffi c control strategies, controlling the fl ow of traffi c entering the freeway facility from
on-ramps in order to avoid breakdowns at merging areas and preserve the maximum traffi c fl ow on the mainline. From June 2010 to November 2010,
the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) deployed ramp metering control along a 15-mile section of I-12 in Baton Rouge,
La, in order to reduce congestion, provide a safer merge operation at freeway entrances, improve travel time reliability of the corridor, and ultimately
protect the investment.
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