Optimum use of CDOT French and Hamburg data (French and Hamburg tests).
By Gilbert, Kim
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Abstract:The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) has been collecting data from the Hamburg Rutter and the
French Rutter for over 20 years. No specifications have been written in that time for either the Hamburg Rutter
or the French Rutter. This report looks at the state of practice within other states that own similar equipment. It
addresses mixes being produced to pass the Hamburg Rutter being designed too dry. Tests that could be run
along with the Hamburg Rutter are examined from a review of literature to determine if there is a suitable
companion test for the Hamburg Rutter that would work to keep asphalt levels in the mix high enough to
prevent cracking and fatigue.
A companion test for the Hamburg Rutter may be purchased by CDOT. The equipment would need to be
correlated to pavements of known performance. With this information and with 20 years of Hamburg Rutter
and French Rutter data, specifications for the Hamburg Rutter and the new companion test could be written.
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