Higher Speed Freight Truck Design: Performance Requirements
Alternative Title:Performance Requirements: For a 70-Ton Higher Speed Freight Truck Design for Operations of Up to 125 MPH
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NTL Classification:NTL-RAIL TRANSPORTATION-High Speed Ground Transportation
Abstract:This proposed requirements document combines a set of requirements for high-speed freight car truck design and performance from the generally accepted standards in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulation (CFR), the Association of American Railroads (AAR) Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices (MSRP), and the American Public Transportation Association Standards (APTA). The proposal will ideally establish a set of design and performance requirements specifically for freight car trucks intended to operate at speeds of up to 125 mph. This proposed requirements document covers the design and performance requirements for freight car trucks applied to freight cars that are intended for use in rail service at speeds of up to 125 mph, the Track Class 7 maximum allowable operating speed. Accordingly, only elements essential to track worthiness, basic equipment, and strength are addressed. Special component and braking requirements are not addressed in this document. In addition to design and strength, safety performance requirements based on lateral wheel load, vertical wheel unloading, L/V ratio, and lateral and vertical car body accelerations are addressed in this report.
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