The objective of this report is to evaluate the status of highway litter in the State of Utah. Under the direction of Russ Scovil, engineer with the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), researchers at the University of Utah performed a literature review on highway litter and interviewed essential members of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). The TAC consists of a project manager, UDOT personnel, and faculty and a graduate assistant from the University of Utah’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
UDOT provided data on litter types, problematic highway litter locations, litter clean-up costs, accidents caused by road debris, The major findings of this study are summarized below.
Types of litter encountered include fast food waste, plastic bags, soda bottles and cans, tire shreds, and loose-leaf paper, among others
The annual clean-up cost of highway litter to the state of Utah in the past 5 years ranged from $1.53 million to $1.83 million
There are 6 stretches of highway designated as problem areas
The number of accidents caused by highway debris range from 650 to 800 each year
This bibliography represents literature acquired since the establishment of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in 1967, as rel...
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