This project assists the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) in assessing the potential impacts of the Panama Canal expansion on Texas ports and the landside transportation system. TxDOT formed a Panama Canal Stakeholder Working Group (PCSWG) to help examine these impacts and possible opportunities for expanding global trade. The PCSWG held a series of meetings to obtain input from shippers and carriers, ports, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), regional mobility authorities (RMAs), industry groups, and other organizations. In addition to the Panama Canal expansion, the PCSWG discussed opportunities to expand global trade related to the growth of the state’s population and developments in the energy sector. This report summarizes the results of these meetings, along with an examination of current and planned roadway, port, and rail projects. Short-, mid-, and long-term TxDOT transportation improvements, other projects and policies that will better position the state of Texas to take advantage of the Panama Canal expansion, and other opportunities to enhance Texas’ role in global trade are presented.
This report covers a four-year period after contractors started work on the third set of locks, which in 2015 will effectively double the size of the ...
The ultimate goal of this evaluation is to identify any benefits in operational efficiency, air quality, and customer satisfaction with the implementa...
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