Re-Os evidence used to link regional mineralization process to the Chesapeake Bag Bolig’s impact in the northeastern United States.
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Edition:Final report.
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Abstract:Re-Os isotope measurements of sulfide minerals from 10 occurrences that span a radial distance of over 200 Km
serve to geochemically link epithermal mineralization in Pennsylvania to an Eocene event. The most likely geologic
event that could have influenced the area during the Eocene is the Chesapeake Bay impact event. The significance
of the discovery is twofold: to date no epithermal mineralization has been linked to the Chesapeake Bay impact nor
has the process been clearly identified throughout the region. The results effect road construction plans for PA, MD,
and VA near the meteor impact site because mineralization could occur in any age strata that lie along fracture traces
identified in this contribution.
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