Performance analysis of the Dowling multi-lane roundabouts in Anchorage, Alaska.
By Lee, Ming
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Edition:Final report.
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Abstract:The first multi-lane roundabouts in Alaska were constructed in 2004 at the ramps of the Dowling Road/Seward Highway interchange in
Anchorage. These serve as junctions for commuters accessing the Seward Highway. As vehicle traffic in Anchorage continues to grow,
however, use of the Dowling roundabouts also increases. The roundabouts are currently operating at or near capacity, with long vehicle
queues at their entrances during peak traffic hours. This research project examined the performance of multi-lane roundabouts and how
drivers use them. Analysis showed that extended queues were due to unbalanced flow patterns at the roundabouts, causing high
circulating flow in front of one roundabout. This high circulating flow resulted in low-capacity, high-delay queue values. Researchers
also found that accident rates and danger to pedestrians had increased in the past two years. Modeling traffic flow patterns for several
possible alternatives suggested that reducing the eastbound flow rate “upstream” of the roundabout by 70% of the original flow could
result in an acceptable level of delay and queue length at the eastbound approach of the west roundabout.
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