Seismic vulnerability of new highway construction, executive summary.
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Edition:Fmal report; Sept. 1992-June 1999.
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NTL Classification:NTL-HIGHWAY/ROAD TRANSPORTATION-Bridges and Structures;NTL-HIGHWAY/ROAD TRANSPORTATION-Construction and Maintenance;
Abstract:This executive summary gives an overview of the results of FHWA Contract DTFH61-92-C-00112, Seismic Research Program,
which performed a series of special studies addressing the seismic design of new construction. The objectives of this project
were to perform a series of special studies pertaining to the seismic vulnerability of highway structures, and to develop technical
information on which future specifications for the seismic design of bridges could be based.
This project divided the work into 5 areas and 13 tasks, focussing on the following elements: review of current seismic design
criteria, the seismic hazard exposure of the American highway system, foundation design and soil behavior, structural design,
structural analysis and response, the relative importance of specific bridges and an assessment of The impact of current and
recently completed research.
The Seismic Research Program had a national focus, and aimed in part to address the differences In seismicity, bridge types,
and typical design details between the central and eastern United States (CEUS) and those previously studied in California and
the western United States. In many cases, west coast design practices required considerable modification before
implementation in the CEUS.
The project resulted in 34 research reports, of which 31 are summarized in thls document. Seventeen of the reports have been
published as National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (NCEER) or Mult~d~sciplrnaCrye nter for Earthquake
Engineering Research (MCEER) reports. The research agenc~esf'm al reports for the other tasks are available from MCEER
upon request.
An independent assessment of the results and potential impact of this project was performed under Task E of this contract. This
impact assessment report, to be published by FHWA (or MCEER), has identified critical topics that should be addressed in
seismic bridge design specifications and contains a "straw man" for a set of bridge design guidelines. This impact assessment
is contained in Report No. MCEER 99-0009.
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