Ohio Department of Transportation State Infrastructure Bank Annual Financial Report : Federal Fiscal Year 2004
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Abstract:The Ohio Department of Transportation is pleased to present the Federal Fiscal
Year 2004 State Infrastructure Bank (SIB) Annual Financial Report. The portfolio of
the FFY 04 SIB had a total of nineteen loans in the amount of $47,340,891.
A comprehensive overview of the SIB’s activity is provided. The report contains
basic financial statements and loan summaries for all projects that had an
open encumbrance or an outstanding balance during the fiscal year. There
are two funds within the SIB. Fund 212 holds federal, transit, and state funds
while Fund 213 is reserved for aviation.
The Ohio SIB has been audited for State Fiscal Year 2003 by the State of Ohio
Auditor’s office and complies with the Single Audit Act.
To the best of our knowledge and belief, the enclosed data is accurate in all
material respects and is reported in a manner designed to present fairly the
financial position of the Ohio State Infrastructure Bank.
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