In-service performance monitoring of a CFRP reinforced HPC bridge deck.
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Edition:Final report.
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NTL Classification:NTL-HIGHWAY/ROAD TRANSPORTATION-Bridges and Structures;NTL-HIGHWAY/ROAD TRANSPORTATION-Construction and Maintenance;NTL-HIGHWAY/ROAD TRANSPORTATION-Pavement Management and Performance;
Abstract:The Rollins Road Bridge in Rollinsford, New Hampshire was constructed in part with funding from the FHWA’s Innovative Bridge Research and Construction (IBRC) program and opened to traffic in December, 2000. A requirement of the IBRC program is the use of high performance and innovative materials and the implementation of an instrumentation and evaluation plan. The FHWA provided funds for the instrumentation and data acquisition system on the bridge, but not for the long-term post-processing of the collected data. Of the originally installed 80 sensors, over 50 temperature and strain gauges are currently operational. The response recorded by these gauges is used for performance monitoring of the innovative bridge deck and overall condition assessment of the Rollins Road Bridge.
The health of the US infrastructure is on the minds of everyone following the August 1, 2007 collapse of the I-35W Bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The safety of bridges nationwide should be a top priority for both our citizens and government since they are the backbone of this nation’s economy, with 73% of all traffic and 90% of all truck traffic traveling over state-owned bridges. Performing nondestructive load tests, collecting structural response data, and structural modeling techniques allow bridge owners an objective insight into the health of a bridge. This report includes the Special Topics Studies required to create a structural modeling that can be used to evaluate collected data. The art of reconciling the structural model to reflect collected field data also allows bridge owners to have an up-to-date analytical model of the bridge for condition assessment, decision-making, and asset management. The results from the Rollins Road Bridge load test accurately show that a model can be updated to match measured structural response from a nondestructive load test.
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