This report summarizes phase 2 of a Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) research project examining technical issues related to the usage of biodiesel in the state. The results of a small-scale field test involving the use of 20 percent biodiesel (B20) fuel in select MDT maintenance vehicles are presented. Operations and maintenance experience were generally positive, and MDT personnel were receptive to using biodiesel in the future. Based on that experience, this report reviews other aspects that may influence the state’s biodiesel policy, including increasing use of finer rating engine fuel filters, microbial contamination, and potential evasion of biodiesel fuel by long-haul motor carriers. Biodiesel production aspects are examined in detail, especially feedstock availability, to determine the potential for development of a biodiesel industry in Montana. Federal policies and laws enacted by other states are reviewed, in order to better understand external factors that may affect Montana’s biodiesel industry. Several policy alternatives are presented, with their strengths and weaknesses subjectively analyzed. Finally, several avenues for future research are identified that may help the state in determining future biodiesel policy.
Section 404 of the Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act (PRIIA), 2008, mandated that the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) undertake a Lo...
This research was to process whole microalgae cells for biodiesel production without first extracting lipids. The ultimate goal is develop a novel pro...
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