Smart FRP Composite Sandwich Bridge Decks in Cold Regions
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Abstract:In this study, new and integrated Smart honeycomb Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (S-FRP)
sandwich materials for various transportation construction applications, with particular emphasis
on highway bridge decks in cold regions, were developed and tested. The novelty integrates
advanced polymer composite materials with smart piezoelectric sensors and actuators to form
smart structures, and along with advanced material technologies and proposed damage
identification algorithms, it is capable of improving construction speed in cold climates and selfmonitoring
structural conditions in remote sites. A combined experimental and analytical study
to develop, evaluate and test the S-FRP sandwich materials was conducted, and related studies
on dynamic response, temperature effect and scale-up of test results, development of viable and
effective damage identification algorithms and techniques more suitable for 2-D plate-type
structures, and experimental characterization were investigated.
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