Development of an early-stage toll revenue estimation model.
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Edition:Final report; Jan. 2009¿Sept. 2009.
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Abstract:With agencies and states increasingly considering tolls as a means to finance transportation infrastructure,
there is an increasing need to quickly assess the feasibility of potential tolling projects. In the early stages
of a project when an agency—either public or private—merely wants to see the possibility of future traffic
and tolled revenues, there still exists a need for a tool to capture basic assumptions and perform
preliminary forecasting calculations to see if a project even warrants further examination as a toll road.
Both as an early screening tool and as a continuing reasonableness test, this early-stage toll revenue
estimation model will allow a user to simultaneously examine the interaction of multiple tolling variables
and traffic scenarios so that agencies can make more informed decisions. The authors develop a standalone,
spreadsheet-based model that prepares early-stage traffic and toll revenue estimates. The model
allows users to examine a potential tolled project as a single phase or multiple phases—up to three—then
examine the results individually or cumulatively.
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