Asset management for Wyoming counties : volume I, II, III.
Alternative Title:v. 1. [Main report] -- v. 2. Example of annual summary report -- v. 3. Appendices
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Abstract:Vol. 1: In the fall of 2003, the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) and the Wyoming T2/LTAP Center (T2/LTAP) began planning an asset management program to assist counties impacted by oil and gas drilling with management of their road systems. In the spring of 2004, with approval from their county commissioners, Sheridan, Johnson, and Carbon Counties contracted with T2/LTAP to implement asset management programs. WYDOT paid for 90% of the program with federal programming funds with the counties funding the remaining 10%.
The overall objectives were to develop an inventory of the counties roads, bridges, culverts, signs, cattleguards, and approaches; to evaluate and assess the condition of these assets; and to estimate the counties’ financial needs.
Vol. 2: The following pages contain an example (presented to Sheridan County by the T2/LTAP Center in the spring of 2006) showing how annual reports from an asset management program might appear. Though future reports would certainly vary from this, the overall methods of presentation would be similar to those shown in this appendix.
Vol. 3: In the winter of 2004, the Wyoming Technology Transfer Center, in cooperation with the Wyoming Department of Transportation and Sheridan, Johnson, and Carbon counties of Wyoming, undertook a three-year project to institute a geographic information system (GIS) based asset management program. It encompasses inventorying, rating, and optimization strategies for improved gravel roads, as well as for the limited mileage of asphalt and unimproved roads in the counties. The roughly 2,000 miles of roads in the three counties were located with a global positioning system and rated using the Wisconsin Transportation Information Center’s PASER manuals, modified for Wyoming’s conditions. In addition, expenditures on each road section are tracked through maintainers’ daily reports. Signs, sign supports, cattleguards, approaches, and culverts were rated and located. Bridges were located. Interviews with maintainers were conducted to gather historical and routine maintenance information on each section. This report describes the current status of this asset management program and road surface management system.
The goals of this program are two‒fold, similar to those in widespread use for asphalt and concrete roads. First, it is to be used on a network level for financial and management decisions and strategies. Second, at the project level, it is to be used to make specific maintenance and construction recommendations on individual roads, largely through a life‒cycle costing approach.
Off‒the‒shelf GIS software is used to enter and manipulate the data collected. Adapting this software to surface management tasks was relatively simple, given the user‒friendliness of the newer GIS packages. Recent modifications allow for multiple entries for a single feature. Cost estimates for routine activities, such as mowing, snowplowing, and reshaping gravel roads, allow the counties to make reasonable, detailed estimates of the cost of maintaining gravel roads under different conditions. For these and numerous other applications, the asset management system is streamlining county operations.
The Wyoming Technology Transfer Center (T2), part of the Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP), has instituted an asset management program for three Wyoming counties: Carbon, Sheridan, and Johnson. They were chosen because they have had a recent, substantial increase in heavy truck traffic associated with oil and gas drilling. The goals of this project are two-fold: first, T2 is quantifying the damages caused by the influx of heavy trucks; second, T2 is designing and building a management system that can be taken over by the counties at the conclusion of the three year project.
The primary element in the asset management program is the road surface management portion. Many agencies have developed and instituted surface management systems, but most of these are primarily tailored to asphalt and concrete pavement surfaces. Less work has been done for gravel roads. The asset management system that comes out of this project should help fill this need.
As off‒the‒shelf geographic information system (GIS) software becomes more user friendly, it becomes easier for small municipalities to develop and maintain their own asset management systems. In spite of these advantages, setting up an asset management system is still beyond the capabilities of many agencies. For small Wyoming counties to reap the benefits of asset management, some other organization needed to step in and develop a management system tailored to their needs. The Wyoming T2 Center has stepped into this role.
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