Texas flexible pavements and overlays : data analysis plans and reporting format.
Alternative Title:Project title: Collection of materials and performance data for Texas flexible pavements and overlays
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Edition:Technical report; Nov. 2010-Sept. 2011.
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Abstract:This five-year project was initiated to collect materials and pavement performance data on a minimum of 100
highway test sections around the State of Texas, incorporating flexible pavements and overlays. Besides being used to
calibrate and validate mechanistic-empirical (M-E) design models, the data collected will also serve as an ongoing
reference data source and/or diagnostic tool for TxDOT engineers and other transportation professionals. Towards this
goal, this interim report provides a documentation of the comprehensive data analysis plans that were developed to
analyze the collected data. The data collection plans are documented elsewhere as Report 0-6658-P1.
As documented here, the data analysis plans were designed to cover various key aspects, including the
following: (1) the tools and test methods used to measure/collect the data, (2) the type and format of the data
measured/collected, (3) the raw data reduction processes for each data type, (4) the software used to process and
analyze the measured/collected data, (5) the analytical methods and models used to analyze the measured/collected
data, (6) the dimensional and/or quantitative units of the measured/computed parameters, and (7) the data reporting
format including how the data will be accessed and displayed from the MS Access Data Storage System (i.e., tables,
graphs, bar charts, etc.). Specifically, the data to be analyzed included the following: (1) laboratory and field test data
including asphalt-binders, hot-mix asphalt (HMA) mixes, base, and subgrade soil materials; (2) traffic data; and
(3) environmental and climatic data.
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