Best practices and outreach for active traffic management : final report.
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Edition:Technical; Jan. 2010-Apr. 2011.
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Abstract:Continued growth in travel on congested freeway corridors and limited public funding for
expansion and improvement projects are limiting agencies’ abilities to provide sufficient roadway
capacity in major metropolitan areas. Focusing on trip reliability, active traffic management
(ATM)—widely deployed for decades in Europe but in its early stages in the United States—
maximizes the effectiveness and efficiency of the facility and increases throughput and safety
through integrated systems with new technology, including the automation of dynamic
deployment to optimize performance quickly. This congestion management approach consists of
a combination of strategies that, when implemented in concert, fully optimize the existing
infrastructure and provide measurable benefits to the transportation network and the motoring
public. These strategies include speed harmonization, temporary shoulder use, junction control,
and dynamic signing and rerouting. By providing transportation agencies across the United
States with crucial information on best practices for deployment and operation of ATM strategies,
this project can have a positive impact on transportation networks where ATM is deployed. This
report provides a summary of the research conducted during a project sponsored by the
University Transportation Center for Mobility™ related to ATM. This document includes a
literature review related to ATM, an inventory of ATM deployments both overseas and in the
United States, a summary of best practices and general guidelines for the deployment of ATM,
information on the development of an ATM website, and the delivery of a webinar to present the
project results to increase the awareness of ATM within the transportation profession.
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