FFY 2012-2015 transportation improvement program for the Dubuque, Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin urbanized area.
Alternative Title:Dubuque metropolitan area transportation study : final August 18, 2011;DMATS Transportation Improvement Program FY 2012 ¿ 2015;
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Abstract:"A Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is the Dubuque Metropolitan Area
Transportation Study (DMATS) 4- year financial implementation program listing of
transportation improvement projects eligible for Federal funding. It is DMATS
transportation investment program, consisting of capital and operating improvements to
the Metropolitan Transportation System. The TIP is multi-modal. It includes
investments in various modes such as transit, highway, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities.
The TIP is the means of implementing the goals and objectives identified in the DMATS
Long-Range Transportation Plan.
The FFY 2012 - 2015 TIP for the DMATS Metropolitan Area is a four year listing of
federal aid eligible transportation projects selected for implementation by the various
governmental agencies comprising DMATS, in consultation with, and by approval of the
DMATS Policy Board in cooperation with Iowa, Illinois, and Wisconsin Departments of
Transportation. The TIP is prepared annually by the DMATS Policy Board and
Technical Advisory Committee. DMATS technical work is supported by staff members
from the East Central Intergovernmental Association (ECIA).
Prioritization of projects within a project year is done by the implementing agencies with
the approval of the Policy Board. Prioritization of Long Range Transportation Plan
projects on a year to year basis is done cooperatively between DMATS and the
implementing agencies.
This document contains projects identified for improvement or construction from the
DMATS 2040 Long-Range Transportation Plan.
Project Selection Criteria
The projects included in the TIP were selected using the following criteria:
1) The appropriateness of the particular project in relation to the present DMATS goals as
a) Goal: To develop an efficient, integrated, balanced transportation system. This
can be summarized as serving and anticipating travel needs made evident by regional
land use patterns. This includes multi-modal development and use, facilitated by
coordination of organizational effort to improve goods shipment by air, rail, river, and
b) Goal: To develop surface transportation facilities. This encompasses the
development of a safe, efficient street and highway network; and maintaining access to
viable air and rail transportation systems. Transit, bicycles, and pedestrians are
DMATS Transportation Improvement Program FY 2012 – 2015 Page 4
c) Goal: To work toward the provision of transportation-related facilities that will
complement and enhance the current and future transportation network. This includes
development of parking facilities, and ancillary facilities. Also included is the provision
of amenities for inter-modal usage, such as ride share lots and bus shelters, to reduce
congestion and promote a safe, environmentally sound system.
2) The appropriateness of the particular project in relation to the best available cost and
revenue estimates for the next three fiscal years.
3) The input of State, County and City officials, the local transit operators, the private
sector, and others as represented through DMATS.
4) Consistency of the transportation projects in the TIP with the air quality standards
outlined in the State Implementation Plan and with local land use planning and economic
Relationship of the TIP to Area Planning and Programming
As the primary transportation investment management tool of the DMATS urban
planning and programming process, the TIP must reflect the established goals and
objectives of the DMATS Long Range Transportation Plan. Applying the criteria
described above establishes a link between cost/benefit analysis and planning. Projects
are included as the process identifies their feasibility with respect to comparative
importance and funding potential. This reinforces the establishment of priorities, as it
allows assessment of funding source availability through the out-years of the TIP.
All of the projects contained within the TIP are selected from federal aid eligible projects
already contained in the DMATS 2031 Long-Range Transportation Plan or have been
sponsored and funded by a state DOT."
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