Asphalt mix characterization using dynamic modulus and APA testing.
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Abstract:final report summarizes two research efforts related to asphalt mix characterization: dynamic modulus and Asphalt Pavement Analyzer testing. One phase of the research consisted of a laboratory-based evaluation of dynamic modulus of Oregon dense-graded hot mix asphalt mixes. Gyratory compacted specimens were prepared using a single aggregate source and gradation and four binder grades. After coring and sawing, specimens were tested following American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) TP 62-03. Differences in mix design versus field compacted air voids were investigated for typical surface-course mixes and mixes proposed for use in rich base-course mixes in long-life pavements. Master curves were developed for all combinations (sixteen) and made available for Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) pavement design engineers. Laboratory results did not compare well with the dynamic modulus values predicted using the regression-based equation available in the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Project 1-37A final report. The other phase of the research evaluated Asphalt Pavement Analyzer test results on six ODOT projects that exhibited premature permanent deformation. For three of the six projects, suitable aggregates and binder were available to replicate the field mixes. Results were mixed, but it appeared that a 5.0 mm limiting criterion may be suitable for the mix design phase of mix evaluation. Additional testing was recommended.
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