Dine Tah, "Among the People Scenic Road" : Corridor Management Plan.
By Aztec Engineering ...
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Abstract:“Walk in beauty” is a phrase often quoted as representing the essence of Navajo philosophy. Beauty is a central
idea in Navajo thinking, but it means far more than outward appearance: it means order, harmony, blessedness,
pleasantness, everything that is good, everything that is favorable to mankind, this being the overall goal to which
everyone and everything should strive. This document was created so that all who traverse this corridor might
walk in its beauty.
The Diné Tah “Among the People” Corridor Management Plan (CMP) was created during a multi-year process
that involved extensive public involvement. Community comments and concerns were collected, and a dedicated
Citizen Advisory Committee was key to gathering the information, documenting all aspects of the route and
reviewing and approving the CMP.
The purpose of this plan is to identify the intrinsic qualities most treasured by the communities along this corridor,
as well as the most culturally and fiscally appropriate ways to protect and preserve them for future generations.
This document will serve as a guide for the people who live and work in the area.
The Diné Tah CMP team would like to thank everyone who gave of their time and resources to help shape and
craft this document. Without their passion, support and devotion to this land, the creation of this planning
document would not have been possible.
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