Feasibility of applying cathodic protection to underground culverts : final report.
Alternative Title:Feasibility of applying cathodic protection to underground culverts.
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Abstract:The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development uses coated metal culverts throughout the state. Once placed, all coated metal culverts start to experience corrosion. The extent of corrosion taking place on these culverts range from slight to heavy depending upon many factors including the type and quality of the coating(s) and metal, time in service. Construction placement practice and the corrosiveness of the environment into which they are placed. This study was undertaken to assess the feasibility of applying cathodic protection both externally and internally to metal culverts to prevent corrosion from occurring.
The methodology employed ranged from a variety of laboratory tests to an actual field study. The laboratory tests were conducted: (1) to evaluate test methods in an effort to determine the best coating system to use in conjunction with cathodic protection and (2) to prove that internal cathodic protection using zinc anodes would work inside jointed metal culverts. The field work consisted of installing 10-foot (2, five foot joined) sections of eight different types of culverts with and without cathodic protection. Current and potential measurements were regularly made during this five-year field study.
The only laboratory test that was able to predict the best performing coating/metal system on steel was the 13-gallon water tank test using magnesium anodes. The more sophisticated tests, potentiostat and impedance, were unable to make good predictions.
The results of the field study proved that culverts can be protected from corrosion using cathodic protection. It has been found that the outside of the culvert required significantly more current for protection than the inside.The culvert requiring the least amount of current was the polymeric coated galvanized steel culvert.
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