A rapid method for soil cement design : Louisiana slope value method.
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Abstract:The current procedure used by the Louisiana Department of Highways for laboratory design of cement stabilized soil base and subbase courses is taken from standard AASHO test methods, patterned after Portland Cement Association criteria. These methods have been used by the Department for more than a decade and have proven to be very satisfactory without any significant failures. However, they have the disadvantage of involving extensive laboratory work covering a rather long period of time which is not always desirable. The need for a faster test method became apparent under an accelerated constractors to furnish the soil for soil-cement stabilization. In an attempt to eliminate some of the rather tedious laboratory test procedures mentioned above, the Research Unit instigated this study in cooperation with the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Public Roads, in July, 1961.
This paper, then, is concerned primarily with the development of a laboratory design procedure calculated to reduce the testing time for determination of minimum cement content for soil-cement construction. It is not the intent of this report to discuss the relative merits of other procedures, but rather to establish a correlation between the "Wetting and Drying Test of Compacted Soil - Cement Mixtures" (ASTM D 559-57 or AASHO T 135-57) and a 7-day compressive strength requirement in order to take advantage of the proven qualities of the accepted standard method.
It will be pointed out that a minimum compressive strength requirement is neither necessary nor desirable in this procedure, although an attempt is made to arrive at some conclusion as to a minimum compressive strength guide for satisfactory soil-cement results.
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