Correlation of rapid hydrometer analysis for select material to existing procedure LDH-TR-407-66 : final report.
Alternative Title:Correlation of rapid hydrometer analysis for select material to existing procedure LDH-TR-407-66 : Louisiana highway research.
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Abstract:Conditions arise during construction of bases with Portland cement stabilized soils which require close programming of work. Therefore, time is of significant importance.
That is the objective of this report; to evaluate a method by which considerable savings in time can be made. Under accepted procedures for issuing cement contents to the project engineer, a maximum of 2-1/2 days can elapse before laboratory testing is completed. However, utilizing the tentative rapid hydrometer test investigated in this report, this maximum time can be reduced to 24 hours with no detrimental affect on the accuracy of the results.
This report contains the laboratory results and statistical evaluation of a rapid hydrometer analysis as compared to L.D.H. TR 407-66, Method of Test for Mechanical Analysis of Soils.
After a statistical analysis of the results obtained from 180 samples run by three separate laboratories, it has been determined that the accuracy and repeatability of the rapid method is at least equal to the conventional test. Therefore, it is possible to replace TR 407 with the rapid method for soils with plasticity indices less than 15.
In view of the fact that sufficient samples have been run to statistically prove that is possible to interchange to two tests, it is recommended that the Department consider the adoption of the rapid method as a valid test. It is further recommended that each laboratory run a series of soils from their respective districts to ascertain if the soils react in an acceptable manner and personnel are sufficiently consistent to perform the rapid method satisfactorily. Each laboratory that can complete this series, obtaining results equal to the conventional tests, should then be able to interchange the two tests for select materials without difficulty.
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