A guide to federal-aid programs, projects, and other uses of highway funds
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Abstract:For the past 20 years, federal-aid highway programs have been directed primarily toward the construction, reconstruction, and improvement of highways on the federal-aid interstate, primary, secondary,and urban systems. As the result of legislation contained in the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (1991 ISTEA,Public Law 102-240, December 18, 1991) instead of the four federal-aid highway systems, there are two systems: the National Highway System (NHS) and the Interstate System, which is a component of the NHS. There is also a major new program, the Surface Transportation Program (STP), which may generally be used by the states and localities for any roads, including NHS roads, that are not functionally classified as local or rural minor collectors. The purpose of this "Guide to Federal-aid Programs, Projects, and Other Uses of Highway Funds" is to provide basic information about new programs, projects,and uses of highway funds authorized by the 1991 ISTEA; continuing programs, projects,and uses of highway funds authorized by previous legislation and continued by the 1991 ISTEA; discontinued programs, projects,and uses of highway funds authorized by previous legislation and continuing only until remaining available funds are obligated, transferred, or lapsed; inactive programs, projects, and uses of highway funds that have existed in recent time. Although no longer active, some of these were the basis for current programs, projects, or uses of highway funds.
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