The measurement and scaling of workload in complex performance.
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Abstract:Two groups of young men (Group I, N = 51, tested identically on 2 successive days; Group II, N = 43, tested on 1 day only) performed various combinations of the six tasks of the CAMI Multiple Task Performance Battery. Two of the tasks involved the monitoring of static (lights) and dynamic (meters) processes; the four more-active tasks involved mental arithmetic, elementary problem solving, pattern indentification, and two-dimensional compensatory tracking.
Five of nine performance intervals provided different complex tasks consisting of both of the monitoring tasks and two of the active tasks presented concurrently. Other trials provided data on the singly performed constituent tasks as well as the combined monitoring tasks. Results indicated that all 12 performance measures varied significantly as a function of the different task-combination conditions. A standard psychological scaling technique (Thurstone Case V) was applied to the monitoring data (for the green and red lights and for the meters) to develop an index of workload for the five complex task combinations. Since better performance was presumed to indicate a lower workload, workload was inferred to increase as performance declined across conditions.
The best performances (scale values of zero) were associated with single tasks as expected. Scale values for the complex task-combination conditions were consistent between groups and between the 2 days of testing of Group I (r's of .947 to .993).
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