Assessment of Driving-Related Skills for Older Drivers [Traffic Tech]
Series: NHTSA BSR Traffic Tech
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Abstract:Relating behind-the-wheel driving performance to performance on office-based screening tools is challenging. It is important to use tools that are predictive of poor driving performance (sensitivity), but also to find tools that do not have high proportions of false positives (specificity). This project explored both. Driving equates to independence for many older drivers, but determining whether a driver is safe is a challenge. A family often turns to a physician to make a determination regarding a loved one’s driving fitness, but historically, those physicians have had no evidence-based tools to help them decide whether or not people are at risk. In 2003, NHTSA and the American Medical Association (AMA) released the Physician’s Guide to Assessing and Counseling Older Drivers ( PhysiciansGuide.pdf) to help physicians and their patients explore driving through the lens of a health-based model. The guide has an easy-to-administer set of screening tools called Assessment of Driving-Related Skills, or ADReS. The ADReS explores visual function, physical and motor function, and cognitive function. It offers physicians guidance on the actions they should take for their patients when presented with “red flags.”
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