Countermeasures That Work: A Highway Safety Countermeasure Guide for State Highway Safety Offices, Fourth Edition, 2009
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Edition:4th edition
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Abstract:This guide is a basic reference to assist State Highway Safety Offices (SHSOs) in selecting effective, science-based traffic safety countermeasures for major highway safety problem areas. The guide: describes major strategies and countermeasures that are relevant to SHSOs; summarizes their use, effectiveness, costs, and implementation time; and provides references to the most important research summaries and individual studies. The guide contains a chapter for each problem area. Each chapter begins with a brief overview of the problem area’s size and characteristics, the main countermeasure strategies, a glossary of key terms, and a few general references. Next, a table lists specific countermeasures and summarizes their use, effectiveness, costs, and implementation time. Each countermeasure is then discussed in approximately one page. Some countermeasure areas are covered in more depth than others due to the availability of published research. For example, impaired driving has a long and rich research history while other topics, such as driver distraction and fatigue, have received less attention. Highway safety problem areas covered include the following: alcohol-impaired driving, seat belt use and child restraints, aggressive driving and speeding, distracted and fatigued driving, motorcycle safety, young drivers, older drivers, pedestrians, and bicycles.
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