Experimental galvanic anode for cathodic protection of Bridge A12112
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Abstract:Cathodic Protection (CP) has been used by MoDOT for more than 30 years to stop
corrosion of reinforced concrete bridge decks. These systems require power from local electrical
connections. A galvanic system uses the difference in electrical potential between the anode and
the reinforcing steel in the deck to generate enough current itself to cathodically protect the steel.
Corrpro Cos. Inc. approached MoDOT with a new galvanic CP anode, at no cost, for installation
on a portion of bridge deck. The anode was installed along with a concrete overlay in 2005 and
monitored for five years. The anode’s power output was adequate to protect the reinforcing steel
but so reactive when installed in the wet concrete that it caused disbonding of the overlay. It is
not recommended for future use in its current configuration. This was the best galvanic anode for
bridge decks developed so far; a good galvanic anode for bridges is still needed.
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