iTRAC : intelligent video compression for automated traffic surveillance systems.
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Abstract:Non-intrusive video imaging sensors are commonly used in traffic monitoring
and surveillance. For some applications it is necessary to transmit the video
data over communication links. However, due to increased requirements of
bitrate this means either expensive wired communication links or the video
data being heavily compressed to not exceed the allowed communications
bandwidth. Current video imaging solutions utilize aging video compression
standards and require dedicated wired communication lines. Recently H.264
(a newer standard) has been proposed to be used in transportation appli-
cations. However, most video compression algorithms are not optimized for
traffic video data and do not take into account the possible data analysis that
will follow either in real time at the control center or online. As a result of
compression, the visual quality of the data may be low, but more importantly,
as our research efforts in vehicle tracking has shown, the tracking accuracy
and efficiency is severely affected. iTRAC aims to inject highway content-
awareness in the H.264 encoding standard. Our technology operates within
the computational limits of consumer grade hardware equipment. With the
possible reduction in bitrate we envision that we can provide a portable, easy
to deploy, low cost, low power, wireless video imaging sensor.
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