The Reshaping of Land Use and Urban Form in Denver Through Transit-Oriented Development
Alternative Title:Reshaping of land use and urban form in Denver through transit oriented development
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OCLC Number:727944657
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Abstract:This project funded by the National Center for Intermodal Transportation at the University of Denver examines the current state of transit-oriented development (TOD) in Denver, Colorado. It begins with a review of the return of rail transit to the city and an evaluation of how Denver defines TOD. It then examines the status of TOD in the city as presented by the Regional Transit District (RTD). These data are then used as a starting point for a detailed analysis focused on how TOD is reshaping the land use and urban form throughout the entire Denver region. This analysis begins with an in depth review of how TOD development differs at the five individual station types as identified by RTD in their TOD Strategic Plan. It then continues with an examination of the planning efforts oriented to TOD ongoing throughout the region, and a comparison of these efforts to planning efforts ongoing in non-TOD areas. This is followed by a review of TOD oriented rezoning activities within the region, both at individual stations as well as within a recodification of the entire zoning bylaw currently ongoing within the city. Analyses of station-area population densities and mixed use development follows. The analysis concludes with an examination of mobility performance measure changes since the reintroduction of rail transit into the region. These measures were found in the 2009 Urban Mobility Report from the Texas Transportation Institute.
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