Facilitating telecommuting : exploring the role of telecommuting intensity and differences between telecommuters and non-telecommuters.
Alternative Title:Exploring the role of telecommuting intensity and differences between telecommuters and non-telecommuters
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Edition:Final report.
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Abstract:Walls, Safirova and Jiang (2007) note the paucity of studies that examine telecommuting among individuals across organizations and studies that compare telecommuters with non-telecommuters. This study responds to this call by gaining a deeper understanding of telecommuting patterns and adoption behavior through an examination of perceived obstacles and facilitators of telecommuting. The study involved data collection using survey methodology, focus groups, and archival data collection. Respondents include telecommuters and non-telecommuters as well as supervisors from a wide variety of organizations. The study also included collecting benchmarking data regarding telecommuting policies and practices of companies in Silicon Valley in an attempt to understand factors that impact telecommuting.
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