Improving mature driver safety : task 6, final report with recommendations.
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Abstract:There are a number of important issues when examining the issue of mature drivers and mobility – particularly age-related physical and behavioral changes that affect one‟s ability to drive. Recent research from a variety of sources (e.g., National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Federal Highway Administration, American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, National Cooperative Highway Research Program [NCHRP], and others) clarifies the current, and future anticipated, characteristics of this mature driving population. The Older Adult Drivers fact sheet (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; summarizes some of these elements:
physical vulnerability -- mature drivers injured in motor vehicle crashes are more likely than younger drivers to die from their injuries;
fitness to drive -- age-related changes in vision, cognitive functions, and physical impairments are increasing concerns;
driving behavior -- mature drivers wear seat belts more often than any other adult age group, tend to drive when conditions are safest, and are less likely to be DUI when driving (note that Pennsylvania crash statistics for 2009 reveal that drivers age 65 and older were only slightly more likely to be belted than their younger counterparts).
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