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Edition:Final report; Oct. 1, 2007-Dec. 31, 2008.
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Abstract:The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Pavement Services Unit is in the process of implementing a new pavement design
procedure being developed under the sponsorship of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. Fatigue
cracking is a key distress mechanism that is predicted as part of the overall process using a theoretical model calibrated to empirical data.
Tensile strain at the underside of the hot-mix asphalt pavement layers induced by truck axle loads is, in turn, a key input into the fatigue
cracking model. In the new design procedure tensile strain is predicted utilizing a layered elastic analysis model.
The principal objective of the project was to obtain key information to be used to assess the validity of the predicted tensile strain via layered
elastic analysis. This involved collecting data from an existing test site along Interstate 5 just north of Albany, Oregon and installing and
collecting data from instruments at a new test site along US 97 in Redmond, Oregon.
This report documents the progress made toward achieving the principal objective of the study during the contract period (October 1, 2007 to
December 31, 2008). It provides details regarding the installation of the instruments at the Redmond site, data collection efforts at booth test
sites, and the methodologies for reducing and analyzing the data.
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