Bus-stop shelters : improved safety (phases 1 and 2).
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Abstract:This research was undertaken to 1) design and construct a wall and basic subassembly of an emergency
storm shelter comprised entirely of wood that could resist a “missile” (15 lb [6.8 kg], 12-ft [3.66 m] long
2x4 from FEMA 361 specifications) impact at 100 mph (161 km/h) (KEImpact = 3657 ft-lbs [4959 J]) or
multiple impacts (not required by FEMA 361) at 80 mph (129 km/h) (KEImpact = 2340 ft-lbs [3173 J]); 2)
study the difference in impact response for various specimen configurations, angles of impact, and
support conditions; and 3) compare results for impact tests to static tests. Fifty-six impact tests were
completed with the missile impacting the specimens at velocities between 63 mph and 116 mph (101
km/h and 187 km/h). High speed video was taken of many of these tests in which velocity at impact,
deflection, and time of impact could be determined. Previous research suggested that the ultimate
strength at a 0.001-second load duration could be as much as 165% of that at a 10-minute load duration.
Although strength was not able to be measured in the impact tests, the kinetic impact energy absorbed by
the specimen was able to be calculated. Additionally, three specimens were statically loaded for
comparison with these tests. Specimen modifications to increase flexibility significantly increased the
ability of the specimen tested to resist impact loading. This was done by constructing a thin, layered
specimen to act like netting and adding a polystyrene backing between the specimen and the support
system. Additionally, the specimens and their support systems under impact loading were able to
withstand a kinetic impact energy 373% to 698% of energy stored at the elastic limit of the statically
loaded systems and 250% to 570% of the energy stored in the statically loaded specimen at failure.
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