Trip attraction rates of shopping centers in Northern New Castle County, Delaware.
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Abstract:This report presents the trip attraction rates of the shopping centers in Northern New
Castle County in Delaware. The study aims to provide an alternative to ITE Trip
Generation Manual (1997) for computing the trip attraction of shopping centers in
Delaware. As part of this study, a total of eighteen shopping centers were surveyed, for
which the number of vehicles entering and leaving the shopping center in every fifteen
minutes interval and the number of people visiting each store in the shopping center
along with their movement patterns were measured.
Based on the surveyed data and the aerial photographs, two approaches, microscopic and
macroscopic, are developed to compute the trip attraction rate. The microscopic approach
deals with the relationship between the trip attraction rates of individual stores and the
shopping center as a whole. The macroscopic approach relates the trip attraction of the
shopping center as a function of the physical features of the shopping center, e.g. total
parking spaces, total floor area, and the number of stores in the shopping center.
The study shows that microscopic approach gives a better estimate of trip attraction
compared with the macroscopic approach. The proposed models incorporate the factors
that have been neglected in ITE Trip Generation Manual. These models should be useful
for estimating the traffic volume to/from a new shopping center which, is being planned
and to assess the traffic impact of the shopping center on the geometric design of
roadways in the surrounding area.
The report consists of the description of the analytical approach, survey methods, the data
collected from the survey and the analysis of the data using the models proposed.
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