Non-contact skid resistance measurement : final report, December 2009.
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Edition:Final report; Jan. 2008-Dec. 2009.
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Abstract:In this research, a correlation between the SN40R collected by locked wheel skid tester and the
texture data or Mean Profile Depth (MPD) collected by a vehicle mounted laser operating at highway
speeds was developed. The proposed correlation between SN40R and MPD is positive for MPD values
less than 0.75 mm to reach a peak SN40R value, then it becomes a negative correlation of decreasing
SN40R values with increase in MPD values until the MPD values reached 1.15 mm, which was the
maximum value measured in this research. However, the slope of the negative correlation becomes
smaller with increasing MPD. It was also observed that there is significant data scatter for the MPD
value of 0.8mm. The test result showed a similar trend for old asphalt pavements, but with lower SN40R
values due to polishing of pavement micro-texture by traffic. Based on the comparison between old and
new asphalt pavements, reduction coefficients, which is a functions of road treatment time and traffic
volume was developed to account for the traffic polishing effect on micro-texture of pavement.
This report also describes two field tests performed to validate the above correlation and
development of an interface for the PMS to upload the predicted skid data from texture data obtained
from high speed laser. During the field tests, MPD values and SN40R were collected by a vehicle
mounted laser and a locked wheel skid trailer, respectively. Then the comparison between predicted
SN40R by using the developed correlation between SN40R and MPD and measured SN40R are
conducted. For the prediction of SN40R, reduction coefficient, which is a function of traffic volume and
pavement age (treated or refurnished age), were used to take into account the polishing effect traffic on
micro-texture of the pavements. The results show that the measured and predicted SN40R values
match each other very well with the maximum variance between them less than 5. Based on the
validated correlation between MPD and SN40R, an interface for the PMS was developed to extract and
process MPD data collected by vehicle mounted laser and report predicted skid number to NJDOT
pavement management system.
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