Research and education from a smart campus transit laboratory.
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Abstract:For approximately a decade, members of the project team monitored Ohio State University (OSU)
campus buses serving four million passengers annually with a “homemade” GPS‐based automatic
vehicle location (AVL), communications, and information system called BLIS (Bus Location and
Information System). We supplied regular, system‐wide performance reports to OSU’s Transportation
and Parking (T&P) Campus Area Bus Service (CABS), responded to special requests from CABS (generally
resulting from customer complaints about service), and conducted research studies that exploited the
BLIS data we archived. These research and outreach activities, along with the BLIS archived data, formed
the first generation of the OSU Campus Transit Lab (CTL).
Through a joint effort of T&P, the OSU College of Engineering, OSU’s Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering and Geodetic Science, and Clever Devices, Inc., BLIS is being replaced with an
advanced, commercial‐grade “Smart Bus” system. Clever Devices has equipped large public bus agencies
with such systems, but this is the company’s first implementation for a campus bus service.
This substantially upgraded asset and the partnerships surrounding it offer the opportunity to develop
the CTL into a unique, valuable, and recognized living lab that can simutaneously suport innovative
public transportation research, education, and outreach. Obtaining this status will require sustained
development that produces benefits to the multiple collaborating stakeholders along the way while
keeping them aware of the long term potential. To assist in this sustained development, it is necessary
to conduct a multi‐faceted effort that implements and manages the underlying physical and institutional
infrastructure of the Smart Bus system while simultaneously producing research, educational, and
outreach results that exploit Smart Bus data and the CTL.
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