On the move! : exploring transportation career horizons.
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On the move! : exploring transportation career horizons.

Filetype[PDF-277.45 KB]



  • Creators:
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  • Edition:
    Technical report.
  • Corporate Publisher:
  • Abstract:
    A recent Southwest University Transportation Center (SWUTC) project entitled Go! Girl! provided

    standing room only participation for the career workshops and activities it presented. The number of

    agencies, schools and universities offering support for the program and requesting a program in their area

    could not be accommodated in a the time frame of a one-year grant. The need for middle school programs

    that explore career activities became increasingly evident as the project progressed.

    The concept for On the Move! originated from success of Go Girl!. The team wanted to examine if

    the same type of program could be applied for both boys and girls and whether those activities would be

    received with the same enthusiasm. The goal of On the Move! was to create one day events that encouraged

    students’ interest in STEM areas and transportation careers. It was also important that the event could be

    easily replicated for future use.

    A total of eight separate events were piloted to diverse audiences across Texas. Each event created

    using a slightly different approach for sparking students’ interest in STEM. All of the events were produced

    at a cost of less than $1,000 and all of the events were well attended and well received. A total of 1,175

    students participated in the initial On the Move! outreach events and over 3,400 other students were reached

    through On the Move! career fair and science night events. Almost all of these events have continued to be

    replicated through other funding sources.

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