Monitoring work zone safety and mobility impacts in Texas.
Alternative Title:Project title: Developing a work zone safety and mobility performance monitoring plan for Texas
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Edition:Technical report; Sept. 2006-Aug. 2008.
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Abstract:In this report, Texas Transportation Institute researchers identify key work zone safety and mobility
performance measures that the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) should target as part of a work
zone monitoring program within a district, region, or across the state. Analysis methodologies and
computational procedures are presented that will yield the recommended performance measures. For
mobility-based measures, researchers recommend that TxDOT target the collection of queue length and
travel time delay data caused by temporary lane closures, as the congestion and delays that result from those
activities are the simplest to isolate and attribute to the work activities themselves.
With regard to work zone safety monitoring, researchers developed procedures that aid a district or project
engineer in determining which projects are most suitable for safety monitoring via a periodic review of crash
statistics occurring before and during the project. Researchers developed graphs that indicate combinations
of work zone length (or work zone segment length), average daily traffic, normal crash rate, and work zone
phase or project direction that will most likely allow for reasonable inferences to be made regarding the
relative level of safety being maintained within the project. Researchers also developed graphs to aid field or
district personnel in quickly determining whether accident frequencies being experienced during a project are
within, or above, tolerance limits for that type of project on that facility.
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