Open access for freight railroads : worthwhile or wasteful disruption, final report.
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Edition:Final report
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Abstract:This study compares the experience of the freight railroads in North America, Europe and
Australia with required access. Europe and Australia have pursued very different network access
strategies than the United States and Canada. Both the European Commission (EC) and the
Australian government have required network operators to open their tracks to independent train
companies providing many different kinds of services, and the EU has also required the
incumbent railroads to divide their infrastructure and train operations into separate companies.
In the United States and Canada, by contrast, the freight railroads remain vertically integrated in
that each railroad operates most of the trains that travel over its tracks. Only roughly 20 percent
of the track is open to another railroad and as much as 80 percent of that access is the result of
voluntary exchanges between railroads rather than government compulsion.
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