Customer service at MVD field offices : final report 544.
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TRIS Online Accession Number:01115350
OCLC Number:274245213
Edition:Final report
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NTL Classification:NTL-PLANNING AND POLICY-Surveys;NTL-PLANNING AND POLICY-Plans and Policy Statements;
Abstract:Through the Arizona Transportation Research Center, the Arizona Department of Transportation requested that research be performed to determine how Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) office customer service could be improved and wait times could be reduced. Key findings by the research team include: customer factors have little impact on wait times, if any; the main issue at hand is the non-identifiability of MVD field office service representatives; increasing staffing volume is unlikely to have any positive effect; and these findings are generalizable across all MVD offices. The key recommendations of the research team include: an in-depth study of each of the highest volume offices is necessary to remediate the problem; general remediation strategies will yield some results, but if cost is an issue, there should be targeted studies conducted; and detailed data should be kept on CSRs and transactions at each MVD office.
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