Lessons learned from international experience in congestion pricing.
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Abstract:Large road pricing projects have been implemented in U.K., France, Norway, Sweden,
Germany, Switzerland, Singapore and Australia over the past three decades. Additionally,
congestion pricing has been analyzed and evaluated through numerous studies in nearly
all EU member countries, in Southeast Asia, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
To further understanding of international pricing, “Lessons Learned from International
Experience in Congestion Pricing” provides a summary of selected operational areawide
congestion pricing projects outside of the U.S. The report draws lessons from a sample of
projects with the richest and most relevant experience, focusing on three comprehensive
area wide projects: Singapore, London and Stockholm. Each received in depth attention
during planning, design, implementation and operational phases and have been monitored
and evaluated carefully. These projects should be of particular interest now that several
U.S. cities are beginning to examine similar area wide pricing strategies to address
congestion, environmental, energy and funding problems in heavily congested downtown
In addition to the lessons derived from the three key projects, this report includes a
summary of available overseas literature on more than the three specific projects,
including attention to equity, economic impacts and the acceptability of congestion
pricing. Research on acceptability is especially detailed in Europe and United Kingdom
and provides valuable lessons for U.S. cities interested in pursuing such policies. The
report concludes with overall findings and lessons related to travel, costs and revenues,
equity and economic impacts, environmental impacts; and public acceptance.
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